vrijdag 26 augustus 2016

Our Central idea:

An economy affects people and the environment

Our lines of inquiry:
  • Organization of economic systems
  • Ways in which trade makes us interdependent
  • The ethics of trade
Here is a video I think relates to this : 

I think this relates to our theme because we were looking into unfair economies and this emphasizes unfairness because the workers worked long hours with little pay and there is lots of poverty in the village.

dinsdag 16 augustus 2016

Grammar Ninja

I am going to review a grammar game called Grammar ninja, I'm going to tell you which age I think it is designed for and what I think about it. I think this game is suited for quite a broad category of ages and I would rate it for kids from about 6 to 13. I would probably give this game an 8/10 because it's a bit boring but otherwise it's excellent.

In Grammar ninja you choose a level (Beginner ninja, Skilled ninja and Master ninja). Then you have to find the part of speech specified above (nouns and verbs for beginner, nouns, verbs, pronouns, articles, adjectives and adverbs for skilled and everything for mastered). A small box towards the bottom left tells you how many words you've got left to identify, a larger box at the bottom tells you what kind of word it is if you fail and a box at the top right gives you a hint if you need it. You identify the word by clicking on it.

I liked this game because it adds a cool twist to learning about grammar. It also has a ninja stare down at the start. If you want to try it yourself just click this link, Grammar ninja.

donderdag 4 augustus 2016

Equivalent fractions

I am going to review an equivalent fractions memory game and I will tell you which age group I think this game is suited for and if I think you should play it. I think this game is a good game for ages 8-12 who are learning about equivalent fractions. I would probably give this game an eight out of ten because its a little bit boring.

In this game you click two squares and they flip, if they are equivalent fractions they will stay there with a black outline, if they aren't they will flip back. If you would like to play click on this link
Equivalent fractions.