dinsdag 17 mei 2016

The Adventures of Werty and Gnomey 2

"Man, I hate meetings" muttered Gnomey as he jogged back to the "Mushroom House", "even if they're in the forest with lots of refreshments, they're so tedious, especially if you're the gnomish president and your talking to the representatives of the gnome factions. Funny though,Thosun-moor was late because of troll attacks and Werty was missing........." he spluttered to a halt, both in words and in movement "oh no" he breathed, then he got out his exto-plasmaratic sifo didy dum (gnomish cell phone) and called Gonus, his secretary. "Gonus! this is an emergency, you've got to tell the faction leaders to send soldiers into the mines and to prepare their defenses for a full scale troll invasion, I'm going into the mines to find Werty! Over"

Several minutes later Gnomey was at the mine with general Sicsun-moor (brother of Thosun-moor) and a troop of twenty gnomish warriors and three gnomish magicians under the command of Thacsan-sedekan. They descended into the mines and soon found the wreckage of the earthquake caused by the deep earth troll "what happened here!" exclaimed one of the soldiers. "Earth troll magic" breathed Gnomey, suddenly the ground exploded and everyone, but three guards fell down towards the pits, because of the shock of the collapsing tunnel they all forgot to use magic.

In the pits, they took a while to find each other and get their bearings. Once they were together again they drew their weapons and set off on their search for Werty.

Meanwhile Werty tussled with the mud troll, and it was the hardest battle he'd ever fought. Fighting a troll in its home territory after falling about one hundred and fifty meters into one of the pits was not a task every gnome was up for. But Werty hit and kicked and scratched and bit, until finally the troll was flat on its back, blood dripping from its wounds. "Man" huffed Werty, breathing heavily "that was tough!"

To Be Continued..........                   

zondag 15 mei 2016

Over Fishing Should Be Stopped

Over fishing should be stopped because if it isn't the entire marine community will collapse. Like, for example if the parrot fish is driven to extinction the coral reefs will be overgrown with algae that the parrot fish feed on, and coral reefs hold a quarter of marine life, their cradles of life and wonder, it's not just that the fishing industries will die. Does this generation want to be the ones who are known for the destruction of all marine life? Do we want to be guilty of destruction of one of the most beautiful and wondrous societies on Earth? NO! At least, I don't. We jail people for the death of other humans but we find destroying entire species okay? Sharks kill 98 people a year max and humans kill at least one hundred million sharks a year. We are called Homo Sapiens "wise men", but is it wise to destroy our only home? I'll leave you with that thought.

dinsdag 10 mei 2016


I think this video is a beautiful piece because it shows that you can't just say sorry and leave it at that, because if you create a mess and just say sorry and leave it for someone else to cleanup it won't help at all, we need to start treating this disease now before it destroys us. We're destroying the earth and we need to do something about it. We can't leave this problem for future generations to clean up! WE need to do something about it. Fighting for equality won't matter if everything is destroyed.